
Lancashire is one of three areas in England to be running a pilot scheme to increase awareness of apprenticeship opportunities to young people.

Early Connect is a collaboration between UCAS and DfE. Lancashire's pilot is being led by the LEP's Skills & Employment Hub and supported by, among others, the Chamber and LSIP, the Careers Hub, DWP and employers.

In order to give apprenticeships parity of esteem with academic routes they are now featured on the UCAS website alongside degree options for those looking at their next steps following A Levels and other level 3 qualifications.

While this has been rolled out nationally, the Early Connect pilot areas are going a step further and advertising apprenticeship vacancies directly on the UCAS site. This will allowing young people to see what kind of jobs are available and to apply early for a role within their chosen route.

This is also an excellent opportunity for employers to attract talented young people that would not always look at the vocational route.

In order to take advantage of the pilot we're asking employers to think ahead and consider what apprenticeship vacancies they will have from June to September. These vacancies can then be advertised early to attract new talent to your business.

For more information or to advertise a vacancy contact Paul Hannant at the Skills Hub or visit Lancashire Skills Hub.

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In partnership with

Lancashire Local Skills Improvement Plan
North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce
East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce
Department for Education

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