
Survey closing 30th April 2024!

It has been slightly more than a year since the Department for Education designated the North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce to lead the Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP), working in partnership with East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce. The LSIP aims to identify the necessary priorities to make skills provision more adaptable to the changing requirements of employers and the local economy.

Throughout our research thus far, we have interacted with numerous employers across the county through various methods such as one-on-one discussions, focus & cluster groups, and surveys. You can read the final report and learn about the ongoing actions here >>> Lancashire Local Skills Improvement Plan 2023

Currently, we are conducting a survey among employers, where we are repeating some of the questions from last year to track and monitor progress. It doesn't matter whether you participated last year or not, you can access the survey through the link provided below. Your input is always valued and has a significant impact! Take the survey here >>> Lancashire Skills & Workforce Survey 2024


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In partnership with

Lancashire Local Skills Improvement Plan
North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce
East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce
Department for Education

To stay connected with the Lancashire skills agenda - download the free LSIP App today!
